Aimer, C'est Agir


(To Love Is to Act)
Nicole Chamberlain
Instrumentation: alto flute and vibraphone
Level: Advanced
Duration: 5 1/2 Minutes
Format: PDF

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(To Love Is to Act)
Nicole Chamberlain
Instrumentation: alto flute and vibraphone
Level: Advanced
Duration: 5 1/2 Minutes
Format: PDF

(To Love Is to Act)
Nicole Chamberlain
Instrumentation: alto flute and vibraphone
Level: Advanced
Duration: 5 1/2 Minutes
Format: PDF

The Clavé family's life has been turned upside down by black mold found in their new to them home here in Atlanta. Y'all, they had to get rid of everything - even the baby grand piano. And of course insurance isn't going to cover demo or renovations because it cannot be traced to a catastrophic event. You can learn more and donate here (because it is costly!):

You might know Matthieu Clavé as a fantastic flutist (and pianist). He has been a big supporter of my own music, including commissioning me to compose an alto flute and vibraphone piece called "Aimer, C'est Agir" (To Love is to Act). What a better way to support a friend than this piece? If you buy this piece I will send the money onto Mattieu until they can move back into their house.

Aimer, C'est Agir was commissioned by Matthieu Clavé for The Soundscape Series, a classical music concert series in three movements designed to inspire, enlighten, and educate. This piece was commissioned specifically for the final concert in the series called "New Works - Under Construction" which was a reflection on the progress accomplished in terms of social change, and the work ahead of us that remains. Like music, building bridges and changing habits require perseverance.

"Aimer, c'est agir" is believed to be the final words of French author and activist Victor Hugo. "Aimer, c'est agir" translates to "To love is to act". It was Hugo's life work to shine a spotlight on social injustice and work for change. In order to spark change, we must act - in order to truly love one another, we must get involved. Sometimes getting started is challenging and small, but over time momentum can build to create change not only for ourselves, but more importantly for others who desperately need it.

Aimer, C'est Agir (PDF)
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